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Turniti Jurnal Internastional

A Study on by_catch and discard of filter nets (gombang) during and North season in Bengkalis waters, indonesia

Swimming speed and heart rate of Japanese jack Mackerel (Trachurus japonicus Temminck & Schlegel, 1844), Through electrocardiograph (ECG) monitoring in step-up swimming exercise

Analysis of reproduction and spawning season of glass catfish Ompok hypophthalmus (Bleeker): case in lakes in Buluh Cina Village, Riau, Indonesia

Ecological, social and economic national Adiwiyata school program impacts in senior high school in Pekanbaru

Temperature effect the maximum swimming speed of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus throuh muscle contraction monitoring

Sustainability of the Palm Oil Industry: An Empirical Study of the Development of Sustainable Oil Palm in Bengkalis Regency, Indonesia.

Accumulation of essential (copper, iron, zinc) and non-essential (lead, cadmium) heavy metals in Caulerpa racemosa, sea water, and marine sediments of Bintan Island,

Reproduction cycle of Longtail shad (Tenualosa macrura) in Bengkalis Waters, Riau, Indonesia

Local names of fishes in a fishing village on the bank of the middle reaches of the kampar river, riau, Sumatra Island, Indonesia

Development of Mangrove Ecotourism in Bandar Bakau Dumai Based on Disaster Mitigation.

Environmental Disparity Index (EDI): The New Measurement to Assess Indonesia Environmental Conditions for Supporting Sustainable Development

Dynamic of water fertility in koto panjang reservoir, riau province, indonesia

Application of active acoustic technology to assess the target strength of seahorses based on the presence of a reproductive organ